17 January 2023

Positive parenting solutions



      All parents occasionally experience pressure or stress, which can make them want to hit their kids, though many parents afterwards regret doing so. However, research indicates that it is ineffective as a method of child punishment.

Children who have been smacked may become resentful and aggressive. The bond between parents and children deteriorates and in the long term, this makes parenting and discipline harder rather than easier. 

Being a role model is brought up again in this. If you spank your child, they can believe that this is appropriate conduct and behave against other people in the same manner.


In the same vein, parents who use continual screaming or nagging usually experience shame and frustration afterwards. The children may become irritated and behave badly again as a result.


What is positive parenting?


Positive parenting is using gentle corrections rather than severe penalties to deal with undesirable conduct. Instead, parents actively meet their children’s emotional needs via loving relationships, which may stop a lot of undesirable behavior before it ever starts.


Every youngster responds well to the approaches used in positive parenting. The methods described here will assist you in developing and enhancing your relationship with your child.


Instead of always concentrating on inappropriate conduct, positive parenting simply urges parents to catch kids behaving well and provide more positive reinforcement.


Some parents worry that positive parenting is overly idealistic, contending that if parents don’t teach their children to understand and respond to unpleasant emotions, they won’t learn how to do so later in life, which might be detrimental.

We will make errors and lose our composure as parents and that provides an excellent chance to express regret to our children and demonstrate how to go on.

However, according to psychologists, supportive parenting may boost children’s self-esteem and provide them the skills they need to make wise decisions. Additionally, it fosters their sense of self-worth, creativity, optimism, and interpersonal skills.

Here are seven techniques for raising kids positively:


  1. Invest time in one another.


The best thing you can do to help your children develop self-confidence and healthy relationships is to spend regular, quality time with them while also setting an example of appropriate behavior.


Children want positive attention and emotional connection by nature. When they don’t get it, they look for it in unhealthy ways, which causes power battles, complaining, and meltdowns for parents.


A daily commitment of just 10 to 15 minutes will provide results. You may build a deeper, more meaningful relationship by savoring your moments of connection.


  1. Be wary of rewards


According to studies, youngsters who receive rewards frequently, whether for playing nicely with a sibling or practicing music, are more likely to become disinterested in the activity. As a result, you might need to continue giving out prizes in order to maintain the same level of conduct.

The best approach to bring out the best in your children is to encourage them.You have to cultivate positive ideals from the inside out. Putting incentives in front of kids in an effort to speed up this process is at best pointless and at worst harmful.

Children who have access to an interesting curriculum, a loving, secure environment in which to explore and create, and a sizable amount of control over what (and how and why) they study are more likely to become eager, lifelong learners. When these things exist, rewards are useless and ultimately detrimental, just like punishments are.


  1. Initiate proper repercussions


Enforcing natural consequences may convert a child’s misbehavior into a teaching opportunity when they start acting out. Just remember that:


  • The kid can genuinely exhibit the desired behavior.
  • The result is just and considerate.
  • To provide the youngster the ability to choose, you explain the consequence in advance (this makes it feel like less of a punishment)


As an illustration, if your youngster balks at donning a warm coat on a freezing day, explain the logical outcome: He might catch a cold, he will feel sick (coughing and runny nose) and for a few days  life will neither be fun for him or his family.


This enables your child to decide for themselves whether or not to wear proper garment and to learn how to make the best choice.


  1. Set “when-then” guidelines


A fundamental component of effective parenting is setting clear expectations. Consider the  use of the “when-then” technique to help your child behave better throughout the most difficult moments of the day.


Tell your child that after the unpleasant part of a chore is completed, the fun parts may follow.

For example, they can use their tablet or play outside after their homeworks is done.


  1. Watch your behavior, tones and words


It’s important to be mindful of your own attitudes and behaviors since kids pick up on their parents’ characteristics. Babies are sensitive to variations in emotional tones. Your child will notice if you are frequently screaming, agitated, or emotional, and they are more likely to imitate such behavior. On the other hand, if you are composed, a good listener, and compassionate, you are modeling behavior for your child.


  1. Be reasonable in your expectations


Keep in mind that your kid is still a kid. Basic lessons like what emotions are, how to express them, following regulations, etc. are being taught to young children. Depending on your child’s age and ability, certain expectations may need to be modified. For instance, it’s typical for a 1-year-old to be unable to sit through a 2-hour movie quietly since it’s unrealistic for their age. Setting high expectations for children is OK, but balancing them with reality is a more effective positive parenting strategy.


  1. Swap demands with kind directives


Kind directives allow you to give guidance to your children without always making demands of them. A more kind approach to address your child might be to substitute “Take your bowl to the kitchen” with “Good job eating your meal, can you please take your bowl to the kitchen?” Having said that, it could occasionally be essential to make a forceful demand. Most of the time, using nice words and a friendly tone can help your child(ren) perceive you as a warm and safe parent rather than merely the “ruler” of the house.


Make sure to follow up on Amy Mccready methodology for an extensive comprehension on the subject.

Also, click here for a similar article.

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