29 April 2024

Connected Parents


The boundary between the connected world and family life is becoming increasingly blurred. While digital devices offer undeniable benefits for work and communication, it is essential that parents adopt responsible practices to preserve the well-being of their families. Here are some thoughts and advice for parents on the conscious use of technology.




“I’ll do the same as Mom”

Children are extremely receptive to their parents’ behaviors, viewing them as role models for their social and behavioral development. According to a study by Common Sense Media, there is a significant correlation between the amount of time parents spend on their electronic devices and their children’s screen habits. If parents spend a lot of time interacting with their smartphones or computers, children are more likely to adopt similar behaviors, thus perpetuating a cycle of heavy media consumption.


It is therefore essential that parents become aware of the impact of their actions and choose to actively limit their own use of digital devices, especially during times that should be devoted to the family, such as meals. Family meals offer a precious opportunity to reconnect, discuss the day’s events, and strengthen emotional bonds, without digital distractions. When parents consciously set aside their phones or tablets during these times, they send a clear message to their children: family time is precious and must be respected.

Mimicry is a learning element from an early age and throughout life. It also appears to be essential for learning social and cultural codes. You can find an article on mimicry here, from Cairn.




Sharing your children is cool, but at what cost?



The rise of social media has radically transformed our way of sharing life moments, including those of our children. However, this ease of sharing raises serious issues related to privacy and the safety of the youngest. It is crucial to warn parents about the risks of sharing photos of their children online. This highlights not only the potential loss of privacy for the child but also more sinister dangers such as the use of these images for inappropriate or illegal purposes.



It must be taken into account that any photo uploaded online can become public and remain accessible indefinitely, even after its removal from the original profile. Moreover, it is almost impossible to control where and how these images will be used once shared.





Consent and Loss of Privacy



It is essential to respect a child’s privacy by asking for their consent if they are old enough to understand the implications of their decision. This helps to establish a culture of respect and responsibility around their digital image. For younger children who cannot give consent, caution is advised: it is recommended to strongly limit the sharing of images that could compromise their privacy or expose them negatively in the future. We will discuss this in the coming weeks.






Risks of Misuse and Identity Theft



Photos of children can be misused for malicious purposes, including their association with inappropriate content or child pornography. Identity theft is also a significant risk. A child’s information and images can be used to create fake profiles or for other fraudulent purposes.





DeepFake Technology



Today, there is what is called DeepFake. DeepFake is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create ultra-realistic videos and images. It can make it appear as though someone is saying or doing things they have never actually said or done. While this can have creative applications, such as in movies for special effects, there are significant risks, including the spread of false information and damage to people’s reputations.

The Times speak about

Video on the subject from The Washington Post




Viral Spread and “Meme” Effect




Another concerning aspect is the potential virality of images. An apparently innocent photo can quickly become a “meme” and spread across the world. This can affect a child’s self-perception and well-being, especially if they perceive the image as embarrassing or degrading.

Campaigns like the German campaign and other similar initiatives aim to educate parents about these risks. The idea is to encourage deeper reflection before sharing content involving our children.

Video of German campaign in english

Share with care





Balancing Work and Family Life




We fully understand how difficult it can be to juggle the demands of work and family. For many parents, digital devices are not just tools for entertainment, but real professional necessities. However, it is crucial to establish clear boundaries between work time and family time. Taking the time to disconnect, especially during family meals, creates a privileged space for dialogue and connection.




This sends a strong message to children: the family deserves exclusive and priority attention, regardless of external pressures. By putting aside phones during these times, you demonstrate by example the importance of spending time together. This strengthens bonds, enriches relationships, and teaches the young the value of the present moment.










We know that days can seem endless when juggling professional obligations and family responsibilities. In this daily whirlwind, it is often difficult to find the right balance. It is precisely to support you in this challenge that we have developed Mr Arthur.

That is why we are committed to understanding the reality of modern parents and helping them by creating:

  • Technology that supports your educational role
  • A tool that grows with your family

At Mr Arthur, we know that raising children in a digital world can be daunting. That’s why we are here to offer you the tools and support you need. By enabling your children to learn to use technology responsibly, we hope to give you peace of mind.

And remember: as a parent, you are doing an incredible job.

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