The implementation of game mechanics in non-gaming contexts with the goal of improving user experience is known as “gamification.” It is one of the most popular trends that has been effectively incorporated into early education. Although it was in use prior to the Covid pandemic, this strategy rose to popularity during the lockdown.
There are growing worries about children playing games (often with violent thematics ) for prolonged periods of time.
Here’s an interesting fact: Did you know that a child’s brain is extremely busy before the age of three? Nearly 700 to 1,000 neuronal connections are made per second! These neural networks govern all of a child’s reactions and help support and develop its sensory, motor, and cognitive abilities. The brain expands to 90% of its adult size between the ages of 3-5 years, when brain development is at its height. Until the age of eight, these abilities quickly develop.
The foundations for rational and creative thinking, problem-solving, learning various languages, establishing behavioral patterns, developing motor abilities, and ensuring emotional well-being must thus be laid during this time. A child’s future functioning and accomplishments are frequently predicted by the skills and talents they gain throughout these years.
Gamification is a powerful tool as it can help children learn in an engaging and fun way, which can boost interest and motivation.
It encourages them to think critically, solve problems, and develop problem-solving skills. Gamification can also help children stay focused on their tasks and improve their attention span. Additionally, it can motivate them to explore new topics and increase their knowledge base. By using games to teach children, they will be more likely to retain the information they have learned. Students retain information better when they pay closer attention to it.
Rewarding students with the chance to go on to the next level of the learning activity is one of the finest methods to keep them interested. Children are encouraged to continue as a result of creating an “intrinsic loop”.
In bulk, gamification offers a wide range of appealing advantages, including:
- It allows for more involvement in the learning process
- Learning becomes enjoyable and engaging, which speeds up absorption.
- Gamification facilitates active learning and improves comprehension.
- It offers immediate feedback
For our young children, we must make the most of screen-free learning opportunities because this is the age when they learn via play and sensory exploration of their immediate surroundings. Using board games, puzzles, bingo, crosswords, outdoor games, role playing, puppetry, music and movement, and creative activities are some ideas for incorporating this methodology. This method combines various disciplines, such as art, math, music and language to make learning more fun and game-like.
Click here for an article on the effects of video games on children.