24 November 2022

Active bullies in our schools!



Let’s start with the observation that we will not find out there any consensus on an encompassing theory of bullying occuring in our schools. Though, awareness and explanations about this issue have gained a bigger stage among parents and in society nowadays.

The three-way connection of a bully, his victim and the school must be acknowledged, isolated and acted upon so the harassment taking place may be swiftly identified while eliminating or minimizing the chances of its recurrence. In other terms, we are more likely to come up with healthy solutions to stop bullying if we have a clear understanding of what triggers it.

The school environment has a part to play in a culture of bullying by sublimating competition, which not everyone is tailored for; This environment inevitably produces left-behind and high achievers who may be in both cases the subject of mockeries as a starting point for harassment.

Studies have shown that bullying at school lowers self-esteem, increases isolation and prompts absenteeism. 

When the school framework is right, officials can successfully put a stop at best to an ongoing intimidation. But it is not always the case especially when the bully extends his claws outside of the school boundaries. So in definitive, what can be done?


There are numerous forms of harassment obviously. Harassments that stem from intrinsic differences: Origin, social belonging, sexual orientation….

Harassments fueled off of: Jealousy, sense of domination, hatred, perversion…

Ken Rigby, author of Bullying in school and what to do about it explains that it is crucial to make the distinction between bullying and harassment. The development of cultural biases against specific groups might provide an explanation for harassment. People have established conventional opinions of persons who identify with groups different than their own. Such biases frequently have errors or ignorance as their foundations. 

In a nutshell, education could be the solution but we can not rest on this approach, for vulnerability is a bully’s adrenaline rush.

The author goes on to say that bullying implies a strength disparity.

More information than just a picture of the aggressive conduct is needed in order to make an accurate judgment. Additionally, you must be aware of the context and circumstances of an occurrence.

Help Lines are a helpful source of information regarding bullying among young people. Boys and girls can contact these free services in mostly any western countries if they have troubles and wish to speak to a therapist over the phone. 


Reaching the bully’s family can help in neutralizing the situation or providing some insight at the very least. But there is a good deal of cases where the problem originates from home and a child’s ability to develop empathy is not helped by a dysfunctional home.


The child’s social behavior is influenced by a variety of factors in addition to the family. Both the larger cultural factors that are influenced by socioeconomic class and/or ethnic identification as well as the results of unintentional relationships with people and groups that the developing youngster encounters should be taken into consideration.


The practice of aggressiveness towards others can result from watching violence on television, and unrestrained exposure to violence presented in a seductive manner might contribute to the growth of bullies. It is simple to understand how programming that exalts aggressiveness in gladiatorial fight or, more lately, violence in wrestling, however awkwardly presented, may influence some (not all) kids to target lesser kids for harm. We should also consider the effect of violent video games and DVDs in addition to the influence of such TV shows.


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